Espreguiçadeira em corda
A espreguiçadeira Kobo da Manutti combina sofisticação e conforto em um design intemporal para espaços ao ar livre. Com uma estrutura sólida de alumínio envolta em corda artesanal. Sua forma curva e linhas contínuas capturam a essência de um retiro luxuoso, transformando qualquer área externa em um refúgio de serenidade e elegância.
White-Glove Delivery (In-Home): Premium service including in-home placement and basic assembly; usually 4–7 weeks (domestic) or 4–10+ weeks (international).
Note: Handling time (5–10 days) is not included in the transit estimates.
14-day return window for most items, excluding custom or made-to-order products.
Return shipping fees and conditions vary by location and product type.
We rigorously vet every piece to ensure it meets our high standards, guaranteeing you receive only genuine, premium-quality items.
Changed your mind? Enjoy a full day to reconsider your purchase without any penalty.
Our support team is here for a smooth experience, from initial questions to final delivery and beyond.
If your purchase arrives damaged, differs significantly from its description, or doesn’t arrive at all, contact us for a refund process.
We partner with responsible artisans and brands, prioritizing sustainability and transparent sourcing.
We collaborate with top carriers to provide worldwide delivery services, including custom options for special requirements.